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Nuance Bottex Pro Repair

Nuance btx Pro Repair will provide an unsurpassed result, restore smoothness and great shine. Prevents loss of volume, and there is no effect of weighting.


  • Suitable for all hair types, guarantees intense hydration and shine.
  • Restores strands after daily high-temperature exposure.
  • It has a positive effect on hair that is badly damaged due to bleaching, perm or straightening.
  • Restores thin and dry strands.

The composition contains: hydrolyzed keratin, panthenol, lactic acid and natural oils.

How to use:

Step 1. Rinse hair with deep cleansing shampoo 2-3 times. Blow-dry your hair to 80%.

Steo 2. Divide hair into 4 zones. Using a brush, apply the composition, starting from the occipital area, retreating from the scalp 1 cm. Comb the hair with a comb with fine teeth, removing excess composition. Do the same for the other areas. Hold for 15-30 minutes (depending on the density of the hair).

Be sure to carry out the entire procedure with GLOVES.

Step 3. Rinse hair with water, removing excess composition by 50%. Blow dry your hair 100%.

Step 4. Divide hair into 4 zones. Starting from the back of the head, start straightening with an iron at a temperature of 160-210C. Straighten hair with thin strands 10-15 times (depending on the density of the hair). Do the same for the other areas.

Step 5. Make hair styling in any way.

To purchase, please visit our online store. Here you can count on the most favorable conditions for cooperation. We are waiting for your calls!

Вітаю! Підкажіть, чи підходить для блонду?
Лілія Коваленко, добрий день! Так, даний ботокс універсальний та підходить для різного волосся.
Чи можна закривати цей препарат за домогою фену на браш?
Сніжана, доброго дня! Не можна, оскільки температури фену не вистачить для запечатування матеріалу.
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Nuance Professional Bottex Pro Repair

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SKU: NP-0005-100
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Made in Brazil
Product type Botox
Volume 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000
  • Worldwide delivery is carried out by Ukrposhta 

More about shipping

  • Sending the goods is carried out immediately after payment.
  • Payment is made online via Wayforpay.
  • You will receive a tracking number the day after we receive your payment

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